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Hamster Fur Loss

21 11:37:10

Hi Sheila, Lin (at) here, My Much Loved Hamster-"Truffles"(A Female)-She was only just 1 year old back in May of this year(She`s a real little Gem, So Tame(She`s a Little Cutie), She developed Fur Loss(Of which both her Hip Glands are Furless Now, as well as down her Chest(Where she originally had a White Band of Fur(From when I first got her). She developed the problem last year(Even before she reached 1 years of age), I took her to my Regular Vet -who took a Skin Scraping, and said she had`nt got Mites, I then tried another Local Vet(Homeopathic)-but still no joy. Although my regular Vet said last year -that she has`nt got Mites-I`ve still seen her Scratching and Biting herself-when she grooms herself. I`m totally bewildered-"As what I can do next, Nor have I been able to find any safe and Natural product that would encourage her Fur to regrow, Nor a Product that will improve/Treat-nor clear up/get rid of her Scratching and Biting. Do you know of any effective Product that will work/be effective-towards treating my Hamster`s Fur Loss Problem(Whether in Cream form,or a solution that will improve her Problem(that I can add to her Fresh Veg, Fresh Fruit each Day, I really do want to so much help my Hamster, and help improve her Problem-but as I`ve said-I`m still searching-Trying to find a Product that will be effective and Improve, Or Cure My Hamter`s Problem. Sincerely Hoping that you can help me towards the next step (Of Hopefully Improving, Curing this Problem for My Much Loved Hamster-I really do need to find an effective solution for My Beloved Hamster(I also need an effective Product("That is and must be definetly safe and definetly Natural(That will definetly not cause any Harm,Nor any further Problems to my Hamster`s Health in any way, Many Thanks, I await to receive your reply(From Lin(at ("URGENT")

Hi Lin

Sorry to hear your hamster's not very well.  Sometimes hamsters just seem to lose their fur - the obvious thing that you've investigated is mites/mange, but since this has been dismissed by your vet, then it may well be hormonal.  I had a hamster once who lost all his fur!  He was fine in himself - just looked a bit strange.

I am writing from the United Kingdom - I'm not sure where you live, or if these products are available to you .... However, there are some natural products you can use which might help:  Evening Primrose Oil - you need this in liquid form - you can buy this in dropper bottles (which are most cost effective), or in capsules (but once you've opened one of these, the oil needs to be discarded after a day or two).  Ideally you want to put a drop on fresh food every day.  This helps with skin conditions and is a valuable dietary supplement for dealing with hormonal conditions.

In addition to this, you can apply the follow direct to her skin

Aloe Vera - but make sure it is safe if ingested.  Some of the Aloe Vera gels are for external use only, so you need to read the small print as your hamster may well wash herself, therefore you need to make sure it is safe.  This is great for scratches and sore skin and helps stop skin from burning.

Tea Tree Cream - can be bought from pet shops (in the UK - there is a cream that is especially for pets).  This is an excellent antiseptic and works very quickly.   Apply it direct to any sore area.

I would suggest you only try one of these creams to begin with and see what reaction you get.  You could perhaps alternate them.

I hope this helps you.
