Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my hamsters keep fighting

my hamsters keep fighting

21 11:40:16

QUESTION: my hamsters keep fighting and one of them makes a funny noise when they do. Are they just playing around or not?what should i do? Also one of my hamsters has a pink bump underneath him. what is it? is he going to be okay? it looks like it gets bigger. ive been having them for two months so they must be two months and a half.

ANSWER: Hi Adriana,

    What type of hamsters do you have, Syrian or Dwarf? How big is this bump right now and where underneath him is it (tummy, leg, private part)?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: neither, they're are roborovski hamsters. The bump is in the tummy.

Hi Adriana,

    More than likely the hamsters are just playing, although sometimes their playing can be rough. If this rough housing gets too bad (finding wound marks), then they should be separated.
    The pink bump could be one of 2 things, a cyst or an abscess. A cyst will usually break open on its own, scab over and then go away. An abscess is usually caused from a bite or cut. For this a trip to the vet is needed. The veterinarian will likely lance the bump and then drain it. They may also prescribe some antibiotics for a time while the wound heals.
    Look at the bump closely, if you see something that looks like a cut or a bite mark, then it is probably an abscess, if you don't see a cut or a bite mark, then it is probably a cyst.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!