Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Is my gerbil dying?

Is my gerbil dying?

21 11:11:28

I've only had her for a year and 4 months, so she is not that old. She is laying in her little house and when i pick her up she is clicking and breathing hard. She also has these little red things at the corners of her eyes, like eye boogers. This just started today. When i saw her yesterday, she was fine.
What could be wrong?
She has fresh food and water, i changed her bedding (i use carefresh).
I'm really scared. Please help.

Hi Ammy

Sorry to hear about your gerbil - she does sound very sick I'm afraid.  It is hard to know what is wrong with her, and therefore a vet really ought to check her out.  Do you have one that you could take her to?  I think it is advisable that you get someone to look at her as this kind of behaviour is strange for a hamster of her age.

I'm sorry I can 't be more help but this is not within my expertise.  I hope you get on OK.
