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Dwarf Ham Teeth

21 13:29:08


I have a male dwarf, Maximus. He is 3 months old. He is very happy and healthy. Lately, though I've wondered how I will know when he'll need to go to the vet to have his teeth and or nails clipped. Is there a standard age when it's time to take care of the teeth? Or is there something I need to look out for to alert me? Thank you in advance.

thank you for your question.
If you feed the hamsters the right food and offer other things to chew like branches, wooden toys, good hay ect., you won't need to clip his teeth ever. A sign of too long teeth is lack of appetite or not eating at all as well as damp/wet cheeks from salviating too much.
Chewing sticks as sold in pet shops are not neccessary and may even harm the hamster because they contain lots of sugar and honey, which can stick in the cheeck pouches. Apart from that, dwarf hamsters are prone to diabetes and shouldn't have anything sugary or sweet at all.

Nail clipping is more common, but if you put the water or food dish on a brick or a tile (the rough side up), the nails will be kept short.
I hope I was of some help to you