Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Possibly Sick Hamster?

Possibly Sick Hamster?

21 11:11:42

Hi Sheila,
I noticed a couple of days ago, my short-haired male teddy bear hamster has two bulges coming out of his anus, it kind of looks like a pair of testicles - even though I know that's not where his testicles are. It doesn't look like rectal prolapse, based on the pics I've searched on the internet, and he hasn't had wet tail or constipation or diarrhea. The bulges are not wet looking either. He pretty much acts normal, and when I gently touch the bulges, they retract back into his anus. I feed him hamster pellets once a day and sometimes give him fresh veggies and fruit (but not too much). He's approximately 4 months old. Do you think he may be have a health issue?
Thanks, Rachel.

Hi Rachel

It doesn't sound as though this is anything to worry about.  He has now reached adulthood at which time the hamster's testicles can sometimes look a bit odd.  They can be lopsided and at times they look like pink 'pea sized' shapes - they seem to be more noticeable when they first awake or during the warmer weather.  I am pretty sure it is just this.

Hamsters can get testicular cancer however.  This tends to occur in older hamsters and isn't that common (I've never had a hamster with it).  In these cases there are usually other signs that would indicate that there is a problem - the hamster would start drinking more, they may not be as active etc., they may look dull and there is a much more definite change to the appearance of their testicles.  In cases like this is is important to seek veterinary advice.

If you are worried then it is worth getting a vet to check him out and put your mind at rest but judging by his age and your description I feel that this might be a wasted appointment.

I hope this helps you.
