Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hamster: dwarf

hamster: dwarf

21 11:30:36

QUESTION: i bought a dwarf hamster about 1 or 2 weeks ago. She was in a all female
cage. I think there might have  been male in the cage? Is this possible??? I
gave her white unscented toilet paper and she made a nest she got fatter
too. And her nipples are more noticable plus she lost some fur in that area,

ANSWER: Hi Kara,

it is possible for a male to accidentally be left in the female cage becuase it is sometimes difficult to tell the males from the females.

If there was a male in the females cage then it is possible for your female to be pregnant, but it does not mean she definately is!

The things you have described sound normal for any female who is coming to the age if maturity and does mean she is pregnant.

The only way to know for certain is if she hasnt had babies within 30 days after you brought home then she is not pregnant.

Good Luck and Kind Regards,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hey u were such a big help! Thanks but is there anything i can do 2 prepare
4 labor??

Hi Kara,

glad i can be helpful.

There is nothing really you can do to help your hamster, but it may be a good idea to ring round and find a hamster vet who will come out at any time incase of an emmergency - especially as she is so young and there could be complications.

When your hamster gives birth, if it goes well, she will not need any help and will just need to be left alone for the first two weeks with no disturbances - so make sure there is panty of food and water in the cage.

You should also clean the cage out about 21 days after you brought her home, because you wont be able to clean out the cage until three weeks after the babies are born (if ahe is pregnant).

You can give her some well done scrambled egg or Ready Brek now - a tiny amount every couple of days too - this will give her extra protein and help her body keep strong while feeding the babies and after giving birth.

Kind Regards,
