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my hamster all together

21 11:42:30

Hi Karen
i got a hamster a year ago called snowy
i wanted to know a few questions
do they really need bedding in there cages when
its very hot because when i pick her up when shes just woke up
she seems very hot
and could you help me on diet tips
cos my hamster is very big
and how do i tell the sex because it
could be a boy and im calling it a girl

hope you can help thanks

Hi Kim,

    Yes, they do need bedding. Hamsters can catch a chill very easily, which can cause them to get sick. If a hamster gets too hot in their nest, they will lay outside of their nest to cool off.
    Most hamster food mixes are already well balanced. You can, however, give them some bits of apple, bananas and carrots, 2-3 times a week (give 3-4 pieces of each or 6-7 pieces one, one time and a different one the next).
    To tell the sex of your hamster, pick it up and look at the private area. A male will have 2 holes far apart
( .  . ) and will also have 2 lumps, one on each side of the bottom hole (testicles). A female will also have 2 holes but they are close together ( .. ) and may sometimes appear as only 1 hole.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!