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Taming a 1 year old hamster

21 13:29:53

I have been given a 1year old hamster who has been looked after really well (much better than normal) however he has not been tamed yet and i have followed the steps and he jumps out of his skin when i go to pick him up even though i can feed him and stroke him. He also goes to bite when you pick him up. Can you sergest what to do. Thanks.

Hi Sarah,

Well, it will be difficult to tame your hamster, since it was not done at an early age, but you can do it as long as you're patient.  Since he bites, wear a glove on your hand.  Put a piece of food in your palm, or a treat such as a slice of apple, and place your hand flat on the bottom of the hamster's cage.  Let him investigate your hand, and keep your hand there until he is confident enough to get the piece of food.  Do this a couple times a day for a few days.  Then, when you put your hand back into the cage with a piece of food on it, and your hamster gets the food, gently scoop him up using both hands.  Pass him from hand to hand to let him burn off his frustration.  Also, be sure to sit down while you handle your hamster, since he might jump from your hand.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
