Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Problems


21 11:14:52

 I loves hamsters and helped to take care hamsters for a few years, and I got me a hamster as a present this January.
 Recently, I noticed that there is a little bump near my hamster's left eye, it is pink and white and I wondering if it is a tumour. I am really worried but my mom said it is ok. My hamster had been eating and exercising regularly and the bump doesn't seem to bother him, but I am still wanted to ask, and if it is not a tumour, then what is it? please give me some advice and thank you for helping.

Hi Annie

Hamsters are prone to getting tumors, however, these usually appear in hamsters who are much older, say, around 2 years old.  They can also get abscesses or cysts. In which case a vet would probably need to examine him as they may have to drain the lump and prescribe antibiotics.

Another thing it could be is an illness called polyomavirus - this causes small wart-like lumps to appear on and around the head area.  This is contagious to other hamsters.  These lumps grow quite rapidly and when there is one, chances are another will appear.  They can be surgically removed if necessary.  I had a hamster who had this once, and despite needing 3 operations lived a full life.

I would be inclined to keep a close watch on the bump.  Can you photograph it or measure it so that you can see if it is changing size or appearance?  If it does start to look infected/pus/bleeding, then it would be advisable to get a vet to have a look at it.  Also if it starts to grow rapidly.   

I hope you get on OK.
