Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > sisters gerbil is dieing HELP!!!!!

sisters gerbil is dieing HELP!!!!!

21 11:51:47

my sisters gerbil is i think dieing um she said that she found it laying flat and normally it is running around so she got freeked out she also says she thinks the teeth are to long but i dont know how long they are supposed to be, please help because my sister has had problems with, a hamster the dog got, two mice that just died and know this. we just dont know what to do anymore


Hi Katelyn,

This is a very difficult for problem for me to help you with as i am not actually a vet, and a vet is really the only person who can help you. Without a vet examining the gerbil there are many things that could be making it sick, and so i couldn't give you a diagnosis or treatment

You can however try and make her as comfortable as possible, and try to ensure she is still eating and drinking. If not then you do need to do your best to encourage her to drink/eat. The best way to do this is to syringe feed baby food (the human kind - cow and gate sunshine bananna is best mixed with water to make it runny. This contains essential nutrients to help keep the gerbil healthy and to keep the gut working). Also make sure you are keeping her somewhere warm, and make sure she has plenty of bedding.

I hope this helps.