Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hello! Its me again. My...

Hello! Its me again. My...

21 13:31:14

It's me again. My hamster Cupcake is going to have babies. I'm about to leave for a trip soon when I think she's going to have them. What should I do because my friend is babysitting it. Should I just tell her what to do if she has babies?

     Thanks bye!  -alexa

Hi Alexa,

Yes, you should tell her what to do.  You can write down a list of things for her to do (such as check on Cupcake frequently, monitor her while she's giving birth, etc.), and you can also show her this webpage:

It has pictures in case she's never seen newborn hamsters, and she won't be shocked at what they look like :)  Also, the information will be very helpful for her (or you, in case you get back from your trip in time to see the birth).  I would also advise looking at the various links on birthing that are above the articles.  They're all very informative, and the information is very helpful.

Have fun on your trip!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
