Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Can I feed my Gerbil Lettuce ??

Can I feed my Gerbil Lettuce ??

21 11:12:47

We have recently been told not to feed our gerbils lettuce, as it apparently contains an enzyme that can make them drowsy.  Although the book that we bought before we got them says that its okay !

Is lettuce okay or not ?!  We feed them other 'greens'(cabbage leaves & broccoli) every other day.

Hi Xavier

The problem with lettuce is that it can cause diarrhoea and it doesn't contain many nutrients, therefore it is advised not to give this, or at least to give it in moderation.  I give mine a small amount about once a week/fortnight and they love it, but the rest of the time I give other greens.

I hope this helps.
