Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my gerbil jusy showing signs of being pregnet what do I do?!?!

my gerbil jusy showing signs of being pregnet what do I do?!?!

21 13:26:59

My gerbil just start showing signs of being pregnet i dont know how long she has bin pregnet and i am scared that i want be there when she gives birth so i have to know how long it will take for a girl that is just showing signs of being pregnet.PLEASE!!!!

A gerbil's gestation period is typically 16-24 days. If she is swelling, the babies will most likely be delivered within the next week. Gerbils take care of their young on their own, without the need of outside help. Do not touch the babies once they are born, as this will change their scent, confusing the mother. This may make her not realize they are hers, and she may not care for them properly afterwards.

You can cover the cage with a sheet or light blanket to help drown out the excess light and distractions in the room; this will ease her stress considerably. It is also important to remember to keep the noise level to a minimum in the room that she is housed in. The babies can be weaned at 4 weeks old, and will need to be seperated according to their sex at this time as well.

Hope this helps!