Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > gerbil with no hair around eyes/snout

gerbil with no hair around eyes/snout

21 11:40:58

We have two female gerbils. One had a bloody nose area (external) a week after we got her. It cleared up, but now we notice that she doesn't have any hair around her eyes and nose area. She seems healthy otherwise, full of energy, eating and sleeping as normal. But the loss of hair is concerning. Any idea what this is?

hmmm,, she's not scratching that area is she?? Are you using ceder or pine bedding because that can cause hair loss. If it's not bothering her and you're not using a bedding that she could be allergic to then she may have nasal dermatitis which is very common in gerbils. Here is a link to see if this fits what you think your gerbils has.