Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster has bald spot

Hamster has bald spot

21 13:26:20

thanks you very much, but one day while i was checking up on my hamster i discovered a small white little bug in the cage  and luckily i killed it but, do you have any idea what it can be? And if so how can i get rid of them?

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Umm thanks for the advise but say my hamster does have mites will mites spread onto people as well? And also i just took a closer look at the bald spots of my hamster and the color of the skin is pink but there is a red dot on one of her bald spots... does that mean she has mites or is it an allergy from the bedding i use which is pine from the company kaytee?

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Hi, my hamster is a russian dwarf and it lives in a wired cage, and it only has two front legs. I dunno wut it is but my hamster seems to have a bald spot on its right side, around the head and behinds its right ear. Now i dunno if it is because its fur is changing color or something. But i am very concerned of my hamsters well being plz help.

Concerned Pet owner,

Answer -
Hello, it seems your dwarf hammy may have mites. I would buy some mite spray and you can find that at any bird aisle. That's what it sounds like he may have. Also what type of bedding do you use? Ceder and pine bedding will cause fur to fall out because of allergies. You can tell if your hamster has mites though by red skin and it looks kinda well unnormal and almost flakey. Keep me updated on your hamster. If you don't think it's mites or his bedding or allergies take your hammie to a vet to get looked at.

Answer -
Actually, the mites can come from other animals and I am actully not sure if people can get mites from hamsters. I've never heard of someone getting mites from hamsters. I really think it depends on which mite the hamster has. I've looked into a lot and couldn't really found any answers on that. But you know what it isn't mites that's causing her to lose fur it's the pine bedding. Pine and ceder bedding cause irritations because of the oil and can also cause liver and lung disease in animals. Remove the pine bedding completely and just switch to carefresh bedding or soft-sorbent bedding. Aspen bedding is good bedding to use as it doesn't contain oils. But I wouldn't use it for your hamster since he hs losing fur. I'd use a more hypoallergenic bedding like carefresh or soft-sorbent. Good luck. :-)

To help make sure your animal doesn't get fleas or ticks you can try a flea and tick spray for small animals. :-) That's what I would use just in case to prevent fleas and ticks. I'm not sure what the white bug was because it could be anything but you could buy some flea and tick spray for your furry friend. If you have any other animals in your house I would certainly buy some just in case :-)