Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > fur lost

fur lost

21 13:26:20

hello, i got hamster from my pet shop i think it's (a syrian one),i had her about 1 year and a 1/2 ago i find the fur on her bum and hips is gone why please help  

Hi Andy,

Since your hamster is pretty old, it's likely that the fur loss is due to aging.  Many older hamsters lose fur, especially around their bellies, hips, and hind legs.

However, look at the hamster's skin closely.  If you see dry, flaky skin, or scabs or sores, your hamster may have a skin allergy or mites.

To avoid a skin allergy, make sure you are using Aspen or Carefresh bedding.  Stay away from Pine and Cedar, which cause skin allergies.  If you are using Pine or Cedar, switch to Aspen or Carefresh as soon as you can.  (Clean the cage before you put in the new bedding.)

If you see small black specks running on the skin, your hamster may have mites.  If you see the mites, send me a follow-up question, and I'll help you with that.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
