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why is my hamster still sneezing?

21 11:36:35

I just got Happy, a Syrian hamster 4-5 days ago.I bought her pine bedding at first, but I found out that pine is a bad bedding.So I quickly changed the bedding to aspen,but my Happy is still sneezing.Also I noticed my Happy is licking her hands and rubbing her nose.Does that means she have a runny nose?Do I have to switch the Aspen to Care fresh?

Hi Amy

It sounds as though she's suffering from some sort of allergic reaction - the problem is that sometimes it is difficult to work out what it is exactly.

Changing from the pine bedding is a good start.  I would suggest washing out her cage - but not disinfecting it for the time being in case there's something in that that she doesn't like - just use warm water and dry it thoroughly.  You could try putting paper bedding in for her instead of  wood chippings - this will mean she's going to need to cleaned out daily but you might be able to calm down the allergic reaction.  You only need to do this for a few days and see if there is any change in her behavior - if not, then you know it must be something other than the bedding.

Have you been spraying any air fresheners near her cage?  Even the neutralizing ones are bad for hamsters. Also, the plug in varieties, pot pourri, scented candles etc.  

It might be worth checking with the pet shop what type of bedding they use and whether or not they have had any problems with their hamsters.

Hamsters can get colds - but they tend to have other symptoms beside sneezing.  I'm assuming apart from this she is acting normally - eating/drinking/playing etc.  If she becomes quite, hunched up and is still sneezing, then you would need to get her to a vet to be checked out in case she is ill, but for the time being I would be tempted to assume this is some sort of allergic reaction to her environment.

Good luck with this - please let me know how you get on.
