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Sick hampster?

21 11:40:44

My hampster's cage started smelling really bad yesterday, like a cross between something aweful and urine.  I was out of bedding so today I got some and changed it's bedding and has i was handling the hampster I noticed that it did not want to open it's eyes much, it had weird whitish wet stuff on it tail area, and orangeish spot on its side, and an orangish lump on the side of it's belly near it's tail.  Help! I don't know what to do.  It's a black bear hampster and I think it's a female.  It's had the whitish wet suff that smells really bad on it before, and I thought it was just it's menstral cycle, but now it seems really sick :(  It also hasn't seemed to be as active the past few days, but I can't be sure cause it's mostly active late at night and I've been going to bed early.

You really need to get your hamster to a vet urgently - it sounds as though she's got some sort of infection and is need of antibiotics and painkillers.  Is she hunched up, and dull looking?  Any discharge of this description is not normal and needs investigating.  Can you get her to a vet today?