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weird sneezing noise

21 11:55:21

i got a hamster yesterday, and i've been so excited, i spotted him in the petstore a week ago, and knew i had to have him. anyway, he's great, he loves being held, and played with, and i can leave the cage open, and he won't come out, he just sits there until i take him out. BUT my problem is, when he eats, or sometimes even when he sleeps, or is just burrowing or playing, he makes this weird noise. it sounds like a sneeze, and he like jerks a little bit. it sounds like a little baby, and i'm scared, i hope he's not sick!

also, another question. i have a watter bottle in his cage. the one in the pet store had a slanted tip where the water came out, and the water bottle i have has a straight tip, and hangs from the ceiling of the cage. i don't think the hamster knows it's the water bottle, and i don't think he's been drinking water. i tried to show him that it was the water bottle, and i even put a water bowl in there over night, but i don't think he knows. he put his nose in the water bowl, and immediately started rubbing his face to try and get it off. i think he's scared of it. i'm not sure if he's drinking water, and that scares me a lot. should i just go out and buy a different water bottle?

hamsters don't drink a lot water and right now he's just getting familiar with his surroundings. what type of bedding are you using? If your hamster is sneezing a lot then he may have a cold and should go to the vet soon. The thing is since you just got him he may just be adjusting. if he continues to sneeze after another day I'd take him to the vet for a check up.