Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Is my hamster hibernating?

Is my hamster hibernating?

21 11:30:48

Hi. Over the last few days my (Syrian) hamster has been much less active than usual. He usually is desperate to come out of his cage but he hasn't been wanting to lately. I have had to wake him to check he's ok. He seems to be eating and drinking but its difficult to tell because he hides his food around the cage!
Do you think he could be hibernating or is he poorly?

Thank you for any advice you can give.


Hi Jennifer,

how old is your hamster?

He could just be getting older and slowing down and becoming less active.

Hamsters usually only hibernate if the temperature gets very low - so it is very unlikely that he would hibernate if he is living in the same temperature as you.

It maybe best if you take him to the vets for a checkup just to be on the safe side and make sure he is ok.

Kind Regards,
