Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > SICK TEDDY BEAR HAMSTER


21 11:36:41

I have a 20 month old female teddy bear hamster named Midge.  About 6 weeks ago, she started walking a little wobbly on her left leg and would sometimes turn her foot underneath.  She has always been a crazy cage climber and would run on the outside part of her wheel so we figured she probably fell or had a stroke.  Didn't seem to slow her down much.  Then about 2 weeks ago I noticed she was bleeding from either her bottom or vaginal area - could'nt tell.  Seemed to just be a few spots in her cage and it stopped.  Now within the last week she is really slowing down and won't come out of her igloo to drink or eat.  I have been putting food inside and holding her water bottle for her but she still won't drink half of the time.  Her urine is yellow w/no blood present, but her bottom is full of either dried blood or poop stuck to her fur.  Can't tell if she is pooping or not - none present in cage.  She just wants to sleep constantly and doesn't look good.  The vet told me they euthanize by injecting directly into their heart - no veins big enough for a needle.  That seems cruel to me.  Is she just old, constipated, has cancer growing inside her ??  I don't want her to suffer as we love her very much but I can't believe she just keeps hanging in there and won't die and euthanasia seems absolutely cruel.  Any ideas what might be wrong with her ?

Euthanasia may be the kindess thing. It will die almost instantly, and it will probably hurt less than prolonged suffering. I don't know what is wrong with her, but it sounds like she is not going to recover. She may have seriously injured herself internally. While it may seem cruel to euthanize her, it is crueler to leave her to suffer. I'm sorry about little  Midge.