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hamster itching

21 13:28:27

Hi Shawntiah, I would like to let you know that the itchy hamster is better!  The staff member put Tresaderm on her.  Also I changed the bedding to Carefresh  and aspen.  The vet. tech. was in and he gave her a shot of ivomec just in case it was mites.  Poor thing, her skin was red!  The vet . tech. will give another shot tomorrow - 2 weeks after the first.  The pet stores have nothing for mites.  The guy suggested I put a white cloth over the cage (i'm not sure what for) He had a spray for fleas and ticks on hamsters.  Anyway, I didn't buy any, as I didn't think that was the problem with the hamster (Panda) in the first place.  Thanks for your help! Dawn
Answer -
Hello Dawn! I am so glad you are concerned. Yes it seems that he has mites. You nailed it just right. Try the flea and tick spray. Take out his food and water bowl, and spray the whole cage. Is there ceder or pine bedding? That could be another reason why he's itching. It causes allergies. Aspen is the best thing to use. If the mites don't disappear within a week or it gets worse the only option would be a vet. As antibiotics would be the only thing to cure him. If you are not sure how old the flea and tick spray is you can always buy some. It will probably be about $6. You can also try a spray that helps stop itching as well if you have anything You can find it in the dog or cat isle of any store. Good luck on the teddy bear hamster and keep me posted :-).

OOH.. I'm so glad!! the hamster is doing better. I'm not sure what the white cloth is for either lol. Maybe to help stop the spread of the mites?? but the mites can still get out. Dunno, but it doesn't hurt to try and keep doing it. Thanks for keeping me updated on the little guy. I'm so glad he's doing much better. He sounds like he's on a full return to recovery.