Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Werid?


21 13:33:02

im not so sure what wrong with my hamster.  IN the past, he was really kind and relax.  He ate alot and sleep alot and didnt run on the much.  But he was friendly.  But lately, he's not eating much, and when i touch him, he seems really scared.  He bite me once..but i never see him that scared before.  He shakes when i hold him but he DOES go on my hand cuz he wants to go out of the cage.  He starts running on the wheel.  Totally opposite behavior.  Is there something wrong with my hamster? what can i do to make him less afraid of me.  Cuz i hold him and he starts like, panicing kind of. (moving around constantly but he doesnt really want to go in his cage sometime)

Hey, Amy.

Sudden behavior changes like these usually mean your hamster is sick.  However, it could just be that your hamster is getting older, or something has recently been introduced into his environment (new sounds, smells) that annoy him and cause him to be scared.  The best thing you can do is, if its possible, take your hamster to a different room in the house for a little while.. make sure you feed him.. give him water.. and see if that helps any. You should also try giving him treats to get on your hand, and make sure you don't wake him up when he's sleeping.  
If that doesn't help after a couple of days or you notice that he's getting worse (especially if he's not eating), then yes he's probably sick and would need to see a vet.

Hope this helps and good luck with your hamster.  If you want more info or have any more questions, I'll be glad to help you out.