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bout teddy bear hamsters diet

21 11:22:10

hi i was wondering if hamsters eat hard boiled eggs
and can you give me what do else they eat carrots and etc...
tell me whats the best to feed them
i have a pair 1 golden teddy and one white teddy bear hamster thnx

Dear Brian, I'm not positive about hard boiled eggs, I know gerbils can eat them, and I'm almost sure hamsters can, too. Carrots are good, NO ICEBERG LETTUCE!!! >:~( sorry just wanted to make sure I got that very clear. They can eat pretty much all fruits and veggies, just remove the remains the next day to maintain a clean environment for your hamster. Sunflower seeds-hamsters love them, but they are high in fat so only use them as a once-in-a-while treat.