Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > ANOTHER QUESTION


21 12:01:34

My gerbil had babies finally and my sister wants one but she is already getting a hamster can she put them in the same cage? also we found these cats in the gutters and if it rains they are going to drown do u know how i can lure them out.

ps my email is email me anytime

Hi Lacey!

Unfortunately, you cannot put a gerbil and a hamster in the same cage together.  They are two completely different species, and each as a species is intolerant of small animals of other species.  This could be disasterous for a dwarf hamster, or disasterous for the gerbil if the hamster is a Syrian.

As for the cats.. if they are adult cats, I would say just let them be.  My cats used to run through the gutters all the time.  It's a safer method of crossing the street to use the tunnels that go under it instead of chancing cars and going across above-ground, and clever cats know this.  

If there are kittens in the gutter, the best thing you could probably do is call your town's municipal department and/or the SPCA (they'd probably need to work together to remove the grate and get them out) and alert them to the problem.

If they are feral cats, be very careful trying to trick them into doing anything - feral cats usually freak out once they realize they've been trapped by any means, and cats have some really nasty bacteria in their saliva and claws.  Also, feral cats are rarely immunized against rabies.  Be careful!
