Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > WINTER...


21 12:00:18


My question is do hamsters sleep alot during the winter?
Because my hamster is sleeping most of the day and kinda at
night too. Is it normal?
And do hamsters breathe really fast? Because mine is breathing
fast. it seems like my hamster hasnt touched his food since his
roomies gone, i saw him drink a little water yesturday, im gonna
bye him a new cage with more stuff to do, like climb up tubes
and more room to roam around, the cage i have now isnt big,
and all it has is a wheel, but i bought a living room for him for it has a couch a tv and a lamp. do you think if i
give him a new cage he wont feel sad anymore?
well nice talkin to you
have a nice day!!!

Hi Susie,

Well, most hamsters don't sleep that much more during the winter than at any other time in the year.  If it's very cold where their cage is, then they'll hibernate.  But most hamsters will only sleep a bit more when it's cold.  Your hamster may be a bit depressed, since his companion is now gone.

Smaller animals breathe faster than larger animals.  They have rapid heartbeats.  This isn't anything to worry about.

Having a new cage will definitely keep him occupied for a while, what with all the new things to explore.

You have a great day, too!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
