Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Breathing Troubles

Breathing Troubles

21 11:37:59

My little Campbell hamster seems to have developed a severe breathing issue...actually it almost sounds like he's choking.  He's hunched over, raspy breaths, wobbles as he walks around.  As I write this, I believe he wont make it through the night.  Is there anything I can do and or should do as I have two others(they are about a year older in a separate cage).

Hi Sean

Sorry to hear your Campbell is ill.  If he is still alive today, then he needs to get to a vet urgently.

It could be a couple of things: Hamsters are very prone to tumours and sometimes these can affect their breathing or actually be in their lungs.  It sounds as though he might have something like this - if it isn't a tumor then perhaps it can be treated, but your vet needs to advise you on whether or not you put him to sleep, or will prescribe pain killers and any other medication necessary.

Is there any chance your hamster fallen - sometimes if they fall and injure their diaphragm it can affect their breathing.  Just an idea.

Sorry I can't be any more help - you definitely need to get a vet to look at him urgently.
