Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Im a first time soon-to-be owner! HELP

Im a first time soon-to-be owner! HELP

21 13:26:13

Hi Kelly, I'm going to get a hamster! How should I pick one?  I think I'll get a boy and girl, how can I tell the breed?  Or the age?  One more thing, and I mate them if they are sibblings?

Hi Mollie,

If you can, obtain your hamster from a breeder.  However, if you have to buy one from a pet store, you'll need to make sure that the pet store is clean and well-maintained.  Also, ask if the males are kept separate from the females.  (That way, if you get a female, she won't be pregnant if she is in a cage with all females.)  And, try to go in the evening, when the hamsters will be awake.  Look for bright, clear eyes, smooth fur, a dry, clean bottom, and energy.  As for age, you should get a hamster that is 6-8 weeks old.

You can get either a Syrian hamster or a pair of Dwarf hamsters.  Here's a picture of a Syrian hamster:

Syrian hamsters are larger, and they're solitary.  You cannot keep two Syrian hamsters in one cage - they will fight, often to the death.  If you get two, make sure you have two cages.

Here's a picture of a Dwarf hamster:

Dwarf hamsters, unlike Syrian hamsters, are very social, and they should be kept in pairs.

Now, as for breeding, I would discourage this.  With Dwarf hamsters, if you get a male and female and put them in the same cage, they will have many offspring, and you'll end up with dozens and dozens of hamsters.  So, you should get dwarf hamsters that are the same sex.  (It doesn't matter if you want two males or two females - it's up to you.)

And, with Syrian hamsters, once the babies are all ready to be separated, they'll each need their own cage, which would be very expensive.  Breeding hamsters is a large and expensive undertaking, so like I said, I would discourage this.  (And, siblings should not mate - you don't want inbred hamsters.)

Have a great day!

If you have any othe questions, please feel free to ask.
