Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Is my Robo sick?

Is my Robo sick?

21 11:16:16

My hamsters hair is getting really dark its usually a light brown and its
turning almost black it seems. I tried giving him a bath my pouring some
water over him, it helped a small bit. Its hair is also starting to stick up in a
few places. idk if he is just dirty, since he rarely cleans himself, or if maybe
hes sick. If he is sick is there anything else i can do besides take him to the
vet? - to be honest i dont have the extra money to spend on him at the
moment. Thank You.

If he's sick he needs to see a vet, but it more sounds like maybe he needs a dust bath.  Pour some chinchilla sand, not dust, in a container of some type and he'll roll in it and have a dust bath.  Please don't ever bath a hamster in water, it can make them very ill and even kill them.

Sometimes hamsters fur does change colours a bit as they age and is nothing to be worried about.  The fur sticking up though sounds like he might be a bit greasy and the dust bath should help with that.