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Syrian Losing Hair

21 13:29:00

My Syrian hampster gave birth two weeks ago (to our suprise) and ever since, she seems to be loading her hair. At first it was just a little pink patch on her back, but it seems to be growing all up her neck to her head. Is she ripping out her own fur to make her babies comfy? Or is she just... losing it all? Is there anything I can  do about it? Thank you for listening! xx :)

Hello! There are a lot of reasons why hamsters lose hair. It can be stress, a disease or a case of flea and mites or allergies. I would check her fur for flea and ticks. If you see anything than go to the store and buy a spray called flea & tick spray. It's designed for small and furry. I would also buy some vitamin supplement for her. I use oasis drops and you can buy that at petsmart for sure and maybe petco. She may not be getting enough nutrients since the babies are needing a lot from mom. If these two things do not work or the hair loss gets worse take her to a vet. Are you using pine or ceder bedding?? I would change the bedding out and just use aspen. Small animals have allergies to bedding that have scents in them and it can cause respiratory problems as well as liver disease in small animals. Well I just finished picking my brain for anything else I can think of and well this is all my brain could come up with. These are all the reasons why I've seen hamsters lose hair. Good luck on your new family and keep me posted on any updates or questions :-)