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is she suffering?

21 11:30:03

my hamster Banana's is 2 and a half years old and has a huge liquidy substance on her neck she play's like a normal little hamster but has this big bump thing there do you know what that is? because it's really scaring me i don't want to hold her because i'm scared it might exploded but i want to hold her to spend maybe her last couple months with her please help me find out what's wrong with my little baby, i'm 12 and really love her doing all i can to find out what's wrong. thanks Jennalee


sorry to hear Banana isn't too well.

This age is classed as old for a hamster, and unfortunately around this time they do start to get things wrong.  Hamsters are very prone to tumors, and this could be the problem.  At this age, if it is a tumor, there is little that can be done, I'm afraid, as she is unlikely to survive surgery and I doubt many vets would want to risk it.  Your vet will be able to advise you if this is an isolated lump or if there are others, and how aggressive it is.

However, hamsters can also get cysts and abscesses - in which case your vet might be able to drain this without the need for anaesthesia and prescribe antibiotics.  If left untreated it could make her very ill as the poison from it will get into her system.

I would be inclined to get a vet to check her out as soon as possible as you may well find that this condition can be treated.  It is a shame if you are afraid of handling her because of this and if this condition is left her quality of life will deteriorate.

Her immune system will be quite depleted due to her age, so you could give her human baby food (powdered variety mixed with water NOT milk).  Creamy porridge oats is a favorite with my hamsters.  Give a little each day - it has loads of nutrients and really seems to help elderly or sick hamsters.  Make sure her teeth are OK and not overgrown and that she has sufficient hard food as well to grind her teeth down.

Good luck with this.  I hope you get on OK.  
