Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Tumour or what ?!

Tumour or what ?!

21 11:05:15

I just bought a hamster today, he's very sweet and energetic, BUT he has some sort of growth on his side. It is VERY large. I got him along with another from a pet store. The lady wasn't getting popular with them because of economy so she gave them to me for free. The bump looks like another rump. It doesn't have a tail though. It might even be a tumour or something. I just don't know. He's a brownish brendalyn color. I'm afraid that the lump is a tumour. But he's been in the shop for quite a few months before we got him. So it's very big, but he seems perfectly fine. He's eating alot, very active and playful, likes to walk on my computer.. i'm just not sure what's wrong with him!

Please get back to me. Thanks, Molly.

Hi Molly

Thanks for your question.  It's hard to know what this lump is - would it be possible for you to send me a photo, so I'll get a better idea.

If he is young it is unlikely to be a tumor - what type of hamster is he?  If he is a Syrian he needs to live alone, but if he is a dwarf then he can live with another.  If he has been with other hamsters there is a chance he's been injured and has developed and abscess or has a cyst - a photo might help clarify the situation.
