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a large lump on my hamster

21 11:10:38

i bought 2 hamsters last week but today i have noticed that the bigger hamster has a lump on the side of its front leg, when i picked up the hamster the lump leaked a bit of pus. Hamster seems happy in his self still eating and running on his wheel, what could it be?, thanks  

Hi Claire

How are your hamsters getting along?  Are they OK together or is there any sign of fighting?  Because this lump leaked pus, then it sounds more like an abscess or injury that has infected, rather than a tumor.  The important thing is to make sure it stays clean.  Ideally he should be seen by a vet who may need to prescribe antibiotics.  

I would suggest that you give the area a good clean with some warm salt water.  Check both of the hamsters for any signs of injuries/bites etc.  You might find that applying a warm cloth to the area will help the pus come to the surface easily in which case you might be able to squeeze it, but be careful. If it doesn't want to squeeze, then don't just in case this isn't an infected area.  (there is an illness that hamsters can get called polyomavirus and this causes small superficial tumors to appear around the top half of the hamster - the look a bit wart-like and some can be shiny red.  If it is this, then this lump would need to be surgically removed, and this illness can easily be passed from one hamster to another).  If the area is swollen, or you can't get the pus out, then it would be worth asking a vet to have a look at this.  Once cleaned, the area should be checked a couple of times a day to make sure it doesn't infect.

As you have only just got them, depending on where you bought them, you might want to tell the pet shop what has happened - they may be able to advise you, or have a medication that you could use.

If this gets any worse, swells, or if the hamster shows signs of distress, limping, change of behaviour, or the lump appears different (i.e. shiny red, or bleeding) then I suggest you definitely get him looked at.

I hope this helps