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My hamster is very sick, what do I do?

21 13:28:35

I went to clean my hamster's cage today and when I woke him up (by gently touching him with my finger) he made some odd squeaking noises and squirmed away from me. He had been curled up with his face tucked down and his back up, but once he moved I could see that the side of his face and his right front leg were (and are) very swollen. It tok him a minute to move again after that. He's never been a very active hamster, so that might have just been his normaly sleepiness. Although he had food I added some fresh food to his bowl to lure him up so I could try to see what was wrong with him a little better. He did get up and walk around after that, although he was limping. He also seemed to have a little trouble standing up to drink from his water bottle, but he seemed to be able to eat just fine. His stomach also looks odd, it's very dark, and he may have lost his fur there. I didn't want to pick him up, so I couldn't really see. (He has white fur on his stomach, so the dark spot looks very odd to me.)

He cage was cleaned a couple weeks ago (I know you're supposed to clean them more often, but that's the usual space in between cage cleanings for him. He's 2 years old as of this month, I believe, so I'm sure that the space between cage cleanings has nothing to do with it). We had been using aspen bedding with a bit of pine mixed in, but we ran out of the aspen and this time used all pine. Is it just an alergic reaction?

Also, since the cage was last cleaned, he's been sleeping in the main part of his cage instead of the 'room' he usually sleeps in. I didn't think this was a problem at first because he will occasionally move his 'bed room' to another part of the cage, depending on where he feels like sleeping, although he doesn't do it that often. I'm gussing this is because he doesn't want to (or can't) go through his tubes with the swelling, but I'm almost sure it started before the swelling.

As I said, my hamster is not very active, so I don't usually play with him or watch him, and so I don't know how long this has been going on. (Usually I just check his cage to be sure he has food and water.)

We have another hamster, whose cage was cleaned at the same time, and who also went through the bedding-switch, but he seems to be doing fine.

Is there anything we can do for the sick hamster? Is this contagious to the other hamster, or even to people?

hi sarah,
the move of bed to another part of his home is not a problem as hamsters do this from time to time anyway. also, his 'squeaky' reaction when you disturbed him in his sleep is quite normal as i'm sure you would have a similar reaction if someone woke you up in the middle of a deep sleep.

however, the swelling is a bit concerning. generally if he is eating well and trying to drink, then he is of general health. the swelling may be due to something stuck in his pouch, or oversized teeth.
if you can, pick him up gently and hold him on his back so his belly faces you. he should open his mouth slightly and you'll be able to see if his teeth have overgrown.also if you can, try and notice if he has a blockage inside his mouth or if the swelling continues inside the mouth too.if he is not opening his mouth try holding a treat just out of his reach so he reaches for it with his mouth, then you will be able to have a look inside.
also try to feel his pouches gently. (remembering that they stretch quite far back) feel for any unusual lumps or bumps that may be causing an obstruction.

hamsters are prone to getting ear infections that can cause swelling on one side. advanced infection causes the head to tilt and circling whilst walking.
signs to watch out for are a slight 'fishy' smell coming from one or both ears, swelling, and/or a discharge from the ear. in the early stages of an ear infection, vets can prescribe a course of antibiotics.

if you are concerned he may have any of these conditions, you'd be wise to get him to the vets as a course of antibiotics generally gets rid of most hamster ailments.
if he is not already registered with a vet, thay can usually register on the same day as the appointment.

its worth noting that your hamster is nearing 2 years old and most hamsters only live to be 2 and a half to 3 years old. 3 is extremely old for a hamster, and if he is a bit lazy like you say it could be he is on his last legs. i don't want to say this to upset you, but its worth knowing that older hamsters are more prone to getting illnesses, as they start to slow down.
it is important to keep a close watch on him now he is older, and deal with any unusual behaviour or unusual growths or changes in the coat as soon as they arise.

my last hamster developed a growth on his head that the vet could not treat unfortunately,however he seemed to be quite perky still and just needed a bit of extra tlc in his old age.

if your hamster is struggling to drink, you can help him by either lowering his bottle and filling a hamster-sturdy dish wiith a little water. hamsters can 'lap up' water like a dog and it might be nore comfortable for him. give him the choice, then he can decide what is best. if he is struggling to drink he will become dehydrated and this will only make problems worse. if he is struggling you could make sure he gets enough to drink by buying a little pipette from a chemist (about 60p) and dribble a controlled amount of water into his mouth each day, than at least you know he is getting some.

with regards to your other hamster, i would keep them separated while this hamster is ill as any infection could be passed on quite easily.i don't think its likely that you could catch anything from him as he is so small but make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after handling him just incase.

hope this helps and hope he feels better soon. thanks for your question, jewel