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weird behavior of syrian hamster

21 11:05:29

i once had 2 syrian hamsters when i was young. The question i have is that 1 of the hamster(female) stuck 1 of her leg between the metal cage and the plastic door of the cage when i was not around. After i came back and help release her leg, it was too late and she lost 1 of her front leg as a result. It happened about 10years ago but i was still wondering what might be the cause of it. Thank you

Hi Ivan

I'm sorry to hear about your hamster.  The fact is that hamsters do all sorts of strange things and there is often no logical explanation.  I have heard of many who have somehow got legs trapped behing wheels, doors, houses etc.  I also know that some of the bedding (the fluffy type) can result in legs being trapped if it gets wound round them and many hamsters end up losing limbs because of this.

Also, some cages are quite badly designed in the there are spaces where a hamster can get trapped.  
