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my hamster sparky

21 11:42:46

Hi, I have a pet syrian hamster, i got him in april or march and i havent been able to hold him ever since. I tried putting food in my hand and holding it out in front of him but all he does is stop running on his wheel and then he continues again. I'm scared because my friend said that it can die if i don't get him out and i don't play with him. I got an exercise ball when i bought him and
every  one or two days i open the front door of the cage and let him climb in and run around. Will he die? Also why wouldn't he let me hold him... i always lay my hand in his cage to smell my scent but he looks at my hand and he continues with what he was doing. i even give him vegetables and fruits once in a while. Sometimes he lets me touch his back or his side when hes running on his wheel. But when hes eating and i touch him or i go near him he gets startled and he bolts. I want to know how i can hold him and how he can get to know me. Please help! thanks!

Hi Jake

How are you getting on with Sparky?

Some hamsters tame better than others, but I'm sure Sparky will come around soon.

Here are some suggestions for taming him:

Firstly, I would suggest not putting your hand into his cage.  This is because hamster's eye sight is very bad and they rely on smell.  In the wild, other animals and birds attack them from above, so if a hand suddenly appears in their cage it can make them jumpy and they sometimes bite.

Everytime you go near his cage do you talk to him?  He needs to hear your voice.  Every time you see him out,  chat to him, and feed him 'treats' (nuts, raisins etc) through the bars.

Every day - try to get him out.  I suggest you put his cage on the floor if you can.  Open it up - remove the top section so that he is in the bottom section.  Rub some of his woodchipings onto your hands so that you are covered in his scent.

Never just put your hand into his nest.  Make sure he is awake first.  To pick him up, 'scoop' him - by sliding both hands underneath him.  Don't grab him from above.

Let him come out onto your clothing and let him walk over you.  Before you do all this, I suggest you make sure the door to the room is shut just in case he gets away.  Or if you are worried that he might escape you could sit in a dry bathtub with him - DONT fill the bath with water!!! And remember to put the plug in the bath so that he doesn't get one of his feet caught in it.  Sit in the bath fully clothed and let him walk over you - that way he can't escape.  Every time he gets away from you, gently bring him back by scooping him up.  Keep talking to him all the time.  When he/you get more confident, let him walk from one hand to the other.  If he starts to get stressed, return him to his cage for a while and then try again a bit later.

Hamsters don't like to be touched when they are in their cages, in their wheels or eating - they aren't like other pets who don't mind this.  Also, make sure he gets a small amount of vegetable/fruit every evening along with his usual hamster food as this will keep him healthy - don't give too much and remove any uneaten vegetables the following day.

I don't know if this helps at all - taming hamsters can take a while and he is still very young so if you keep on trying to handle him every day he should settle.  

Do let me know how you get on.