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dwarf hamster has swollen / red penis

21 13:28:57

I have a 12 week old white russian dwarf hamster that I have seperated from his 3 grey brothers one week ago(due to them fighting with him) and since doing so his penis has swollen to gigantic proportions(in the past three days) and is very red with the skin looking very stretched.

I have compared his genitals with his brothers and none of theirs looks anything like his.
He is still feeding, drinking and going to the toilet as normal and doesn't appear to be in any pain, he will even let you touch it.

I am seriously considering taking him to the vet but I would like to know if I am being overly dramatic or is it very serious?


yes, taking him to the vet is the best thing to do. I mean it's normal for a hamster to enlarged genitals his scrotom sacks dropping makes his butt look big, but if they look too large to you than taking him to a vet is the best thing to do since I don't have a picture of what he is looking like. It may be a tumor or a bladder infection. Taking him to the vet is the best thing to do. Keep me posted on the results. I'm really interested in knowing what exactly he has. I hope it's something that can be fixed. Good Luck :-)