Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster mating sound

Hamster mating sound

21 11:43:08

QUESTION: Ok I read up online that when a hamster is old enough to mate or is
calling a mate it will squeak, But when I tried to bread my hamsters the
female(younger then the male) started making the sound and getting into
mating position! But when my male hamster went over to smell her he
smelt her privates then walked away. By the way he's way older then her!
So is it possible that a hamster can be gay, or has he not reached
sexual maturity?

ANSWER: Hi Misa,

    I am very sure your hamster is not gay. Has he ever mated before?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, and he is old enough to mate and so is she!

Hi Misa,

    Sometimes it will take the male awhile before he catches on in what to do, especially if they haven't mated before. The female must also be in season (heat). If she is not in full season, then the male really won't have much to do with her and they may also fight.
    Just keep trying. Eventually he will catch on.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!