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Unhealthy Mouse...

21 13:26:14

Poor Sam had to be put to sleep. Turned out her bowels had collapsed and she ended up with blood coming out of her bottom.
She lost a tonne of weight in a few days until she was all bony and her hips were sticking out, she wouldn't drink, but the silly thing continued eating.
Thanks for all your help however. Was a sad occasion, but to lighten it up, one of my other mice has had babies!!!! (Could be anything from 5-8 babies, 5 at the minimum though). If you could give any tips on taking care of mum and babies would be much appreciated.


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We put some ointment on her eye and today she was using it okay, and she actually IS eating, she was doing it last night. Poor girl has to waddle around so slowly she gets exhausted. Can you put a mouse on a diet?


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Greetings. I am only a new mouse owner, but have been given some mice. One of the mice we got on Tuesday. She is enormously fat, her stomach is so big that it pushes up against the ground. When she walks, she has to roll her stomach from side to side to be able to move her back legs. Most of the time, she buries herself in her bedding and doesn't come out, stays asleep. In the past couple of days, one of her eyes has gotten gunky and the eye has sealed up from the gunk. I hardly ever see her eat and she acts as though she is constantly exhausted. Would you have any idea what could be wrong with her? I have looked all over the web but there doesn't seem to be much information on mice health around. Hope you can please help. Thank-you and God bless.

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Hello, well it sounds like she has an eye infection for one, and her being over weight does cause them to be lazy. The best thing to do is to take her to the vet and get some antibiotics to put on her eye as well as something she an take internally. An eye infection can be from allergies or from bedding as well. Use kaykob bedding, carefresh or soft sorbent bedding until the eye infection clears. The vet is the best place to take your mouse though as the eye will just get worse and with her not eating and drinking she can dehydrate pretty fast.

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Well you could try by limiting her intake of food to 1 teaspoon a day until she loose weight. :-)

Wow, even in the sadness a joy has come. I'm so glad you are now a grandparent. Well the best thing to do is to put some tissue paper in the cage and leave mommy alone with her pups. Just remember at 4-5 weeks seperate the pups from each other to prevent more breeding. I would buy some vitamin drops for your mouse since she will need some extra vitamins to keep herself going and having to take care of the babies. Let mommy do all the work and try not to change much of the bedding for about 10-14 days, you don't want to stress out mom. Just watch them and enjoy them. you will be hearing squeaks generally after the first week. :-) Good luck.