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hurt leg

21 11:51:17

  My hamster got bed fluff wrapped tightly around his leg.  I got the sting off, but now the leg is dragging behind him.  I was wondering if you thought it was broken, or if he could have cut off circulation to the leg and suffocated it.  Either way, it is dragging behind him and he looks hurt.  What do you think happened?  What will happen if it is broken or suffocated, and what should I do??

Hello Erin,
Bed fluff has been known choking and other problems. Generally tissue paper is better. I have used Fluff n' Snuggle Nesting from All Living Things sold at Petsmart and I haven't had any problems with that. It's just compact cotton which is safe. It sounds like it's either broken or if the circulation is cut off for a long time the skin of the leg would turn a different color I believe. I would take your hamster to a vet to get his leg looked at and to make sure that the leg didn't have the blood cut off causing the leg to basically die. If that is the case the leg would have to be amputated to prevent any infection. If it's broken you could place soft bedding in the cage like carefresh or soft sorbent bedding and provide him with extra vitamins like vitamin drops for small animals that you can put in their water. The vet could provide something to put on the leg to keep it straight until it heals.
Good luck and keep me posted