Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > what happens when my hamsters eye is swollen and there is no vet around

what happens when my hamsters eye is swollen and there is no vet around

21 11:35:45

Just today I noticed that my hamsters eye was swollen and i couldnt find a vet around. i tried giving it some eye medicine but it was still swollen. What do i do?

Hi Samson,

What kind of eye medicine did you give your hamster?

I would not reccomend giving your hamster any medicine which has not been prescribed to it from a vet.

Please take your hamster to a vet as soon as possible as there are many things which could be wrong with your hamster and it may need treating as soon as possible.

Please let me know how you get on.

