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her house

21 11:33:55

my hamster sleeps on top of her house. why. shouldn't she be inside? why is she sleeping onto of it? also i bought cedar wood shavings. and i have recently found that they are dangerous. if they can kill your hamster then why are companies advertising that product as safe for hamsters? it really makes no sense to me...thanks for your time

Dear Kortney,
thank you for your question.
Some hamsters just prefer weird sleeping places or won't sleep in their huose at all. But check to make sure that the house isn't full to the roof of stashed food. If it's a plastic house, I recommend taking it out and getting a wooden or clay house. Plastic is not suitable for hamsters or any other rodents because the plastic can be harmful or even deadly when chewed and swallowed.

There are tons of unsafe or even harmful products sold for pets and the only reason for that is money. The pet industry doesn't care that much about the well-being of our animals. That's why it's so important to do your own reasearch. As a rule of thumb, think about what your hamster might encounter in his natural habitat, this helps a lot with judging whether a toy or food is suitable for her.
I hope I was of some help to you