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New Hamster not eating

21 11:50:34

Hi, I just got a syrian (teddy bear) hamster yesterday.  He seems pretty young, probably about 4-5 months old.  He was given to me by a customer in a pet store(She did not want him, as he just fathered a litter-which she was also giving up) I made sure to pick out the same food he was eating, got the same wheel, ball and bedding.  He rolled around alot in his ball.  But since yesterday and all today, he would not eat.  He will drink his water, but is refusing his food, which like I said is the same thing he was used to.  Could he just be missing his previous owners?  He is very sweet, not lethargic, and runs around in his ball. He is poopiing (small little hard pellets)& peeing, but I have noticed he is not eating and this concerns me.  Should I get some pedialite or something like that and feed him with a dropper or just wait it out.  I just don't want him to get weak--it's like he's on a hunger strike.  Thanks for any helpful information.  P.S.: concerned because last week I got a teddy bear syrian and he ate his food all the way home(stuffed his pouches)and is happy as a clam, eats, poos, plays.  This new one just isn't eating. Thanks again, Linda

Hello Linda,
it sounds like he just may be fasting a little while. You can add some pedialyte in his water and just wait it out. I think he's just adjusting. Some hamsters don't eat everyday and that's okay. In the wild they may not get a chance to eat everyday and he might have also stored some food in his mouth too and ate that. :) I say he's a pretty healthy hamster.