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witch one?

21 13:30:31

Hi, I am looking to get a pet rodent or two but I don't know if anything will work for me. I am looking for one that doesnt need much attention for care and otherwise, doesnt make alot of noise at night, will not bite me and can be picked up and petted once in awhile so something that isnt too hyper would be best I think, also something that doesnt stink alot if changed twice weekly with aspen shavings as bedding as this pet will be in my bedroom. I like the fluffy little hamsters but would like two could two teddy bears live together I've heard the teddys are better together then the normal golden smooth guys. Please let me know your reccomendations and I'd like to know how long this pet will live also, thanks hope to hear from you soon.


Teddy bear hamsters and golden hamsters are actually the same hamster, Syrian hamsters.  Syrian hamsters cannot live together, no matter what, as they will kill each other.  If you change your mind and only want one hamster, I would highly recommend a 6-week or older Syrian hamster.  They are very simple to take care of and can be "potty-trained" with either hamster litter or unscented cat litter.  They are easily tamed and can be very lovable.  As far as the noise, as long as you get a quiet wheel (Crittertrail cages come with very quiet wheels), then your hamster will not make a lot of noise.  Lifespan: 2 to 2 1/2 years.

If you want more than one hamster, then I would recommend you get 2 same-sex Campbell's Dwarf hamsters.  It's up to you if you want males or females.  These are also easily tamed, and they share many of the same characteristics as Syrian hamsters.  Lifespan: 1 to 1 1/2 years (although mine usually live to 2 years)

Here's a great website which will give you a lot more information so you can educate yourself further about the different types of hamsters, their needs, etc.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
