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Is my dwarf hamster pregnant?

21 11:54:29

I have to drawf hamsters (a boy and a girl) recently i have seen them mate. Now the female is hoarding and becoming territorial with the other hamster. The male squeaks now when ever she comes near him. Is the female pregnant and can you explain their strange behavior?

Thanks, Ellie

Dear Ellie Rae,
This sounds like you are going to be a hamster grandma soon! I am not positive, but this is definitely behavior of a pregnant hamster. Separate the male and female, so the female wont kill him(pregnant hamsters are known to be violent towards anything they find threatening). Don't change the cage a week before, or after she has the babies.She will have the babies approximately 18 days after conception. If you notice her getting fatter, she is defiantly pregnant.
Hope this helps!