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My gerbils are fighting

21 11:30:33

I just got a gerbil and i got it cuz one just died and i only saw boys so I got one and he has nearly killed my 2 yr old feamale!!!! how do i make it stop while i make them breed!!! help *cries*

Hi Courtney

Sorry to hear your gerbils are fighting.  Introducing gerbils to each other is very difficult, if not impossible anyway.  You mention that you want to breed them - in which case I think this is unlikely even if you do get them together.  Whilst I am not a gerbil expert, my understanding is that female gerbils can no longer produce a litter when they reach 2 years old as they are too old.  This could also be the reason why they are fighting so much.

I would strongly advise that you separate them and keep them in separate cages before one of them seriously injures the other.
