Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > DriTail


21 13:25:21

I just got a hamster and I am giving her DriTail for the first few days because the guy at the pet store says you're supposed to so that she doesn't get wet tail from the stress of moving. It says on the back of the DriTail package not to give your pet roughage while treating them for wet tail, but I'm not actually treating her for wet tail, I'm using it as a preventative measure. Is it all right to give her some grated carrot or something? If so, what and how much? Thanks for your time.

Hello, personally I wouldn't give your hamster dritail unless they have it. Since wettail is caused by an unbalance of certain bacteria in the intestine the dritail is supposed to kill overgrown bacteria that has grown out of control as well any other type of beneficial bacteria in the intestine and so for a few days they are trying to get their system back in the right order. Wettail medication is what you can give them as a preventative not dritail. Wettail acts just like dritail only you put it in their water and then they have a pill in there that helps restore the beneficial bacteria in their intestine. I would really stop using the wettail for now and save it in case you need it. :-) And start feeding your hammy a few veggies and you know a good thing to help hampsters with stress is oats. Feed them oats.