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vaginal bleeding

21 11:22:12

I got 2 robovski hamsters about 2 weeks ago. They are suppose to be 2 females but have been fighting (which i was told is nto normal) one of them got fat really quickly and has a bleeding vagina. I have seperated them now but not sure if the bleeding is caused by the fighting or is she is pregnant. What do you think? please reply asap!

Hello Vicky,
You did the right thing in separating them for their own safety. Fighting between robovski's is not unusual in my experience, especially if they are in a cage that is too small. You could have fighting regardless of the sex and it is best to keep them separate. As for vaginal bleeding although hamsters do not have periods there are occasional times when they will bleed (very minimally) for a day or two but after that it could be serious and need a vet. Even if she were pregnant she shouldn't be bleeding because of it. I urge you to keep a close eye on her and get her to a vet if anything else happens with in a day or two.
All my best,