Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > DYING GOLDEN AND TEDDY BEAR HAMSTERS


21 11:56:57

please help me. my 2 hamsters (golden and teddy bear) are dying as we speak. i need to know what to feed them and how to make them better -- FAST. i think that they were cold, and now theyre dying. theyre adults -- im not sure how old but i know theyre too young to die! my teddy bear hamster, teddy, keeps... gasping. and he wont stop. theyre in a cage with a blanket and have a heat lamp on the other side of the cage. please please please tell me what to feed them and how to make them feel better!  

Oh, I'm very sorry :(  Unfortunately, there's no food that you can give them to make them better.  Your best course of action is to take them to a vet as soon as possible.  That's the best thing to do, and continue to keep them warm and make sure their food and water is nearby until they get to a vet.

I hope they'll be okay!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
