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Sudden Death

21 11:56:00

I got a Panda Hamster at the end of October from Petsmart and i work at Petsmart. Ok i would nothing different as in feeding him and watering him.  He would be very active playing in his wheel running all over the cage then a month after i got him which was the begininng of December he was dead.  He did not have wet tail at all i don't know why he died.  no one at work could tell me either but at work we do have hamsters that die quickly and they don't have wet tail at all.  so could you try and help me on why he died.  thank you

I always call it sudden death. It could be because of a heart attack or something internal. When a hamster or other animal drops dead like that, I always come to the conclusion that something inside of them ruptured or they suffered from a disease that you wouldn't notice because there would be no signs or symptoms. When we had a necropsy on one of the chinchillas they had liver and lung disease and we never knew until all of a sudden he dropped dead in the habitat.